

Este año mis alumnos del cole han querido felicitaros las fiestas a todos con este video, que...no es por nada, pero les ha quedado genial.Esperamos que os guste ;-)



The toys song

Aquí tenéis a algunos alumnos de 1º de Primaria cantando una canción bien chula. Esperamos que os guste ;-)))


Likes and dislikes

Hemos estado trabajando lo que nos gusta y lo que no y esto es lo que los alumnos de 4º de Primaria han contado.Esperamos que os guste.


Introducing ourselves

Hello everyone,my name is Begoña,I`m the teacher and these are my students.We are going to show you our work in this blog.We hope you enjoy it.

Hello my name is Borja.I live in Balmaseda.I am 11 years old.I like football.

Hello my name is Iñigo. I live in Balmaseda.I am 11 years old.
I like football .

  • Hello my name is Andrea.I`m 11 years old. I really like English.
  • My school is Martin Mendia.
  • I live in Trucios.
  • I like chatting with my friends in msn, facebook and tuenti.

Hello my name is Anuska .I`m 11 years old .
I live in Balmaseda .
I study in Martin Mendia.
I like playing the piano and  the saxophone.
I like chatting with my friends in msn, facebook and tueti .

Hello, my name is Oihane.I`m eleven years old.
I like dancing danzas vascas.I live in Villaverde.
I study in Martin mendia
I like pizza but I don`t like fish.
I live with my mother,father and my brother.
I`ve got one dog,one donkey and one tortoise.

Hello,my name is Uxue.I`m 11 years old.I live in Balmaseda and I study in Martin Mendia school.I like watching cartoons. I love swimming and going to the mountains with my parents and my sister.I never watch the News.I really love going to English classes.

Hello my name is Itxaso.I`m 11 yers old.I like playing computer games and taking photos.I live in Balmaseda and I study in Martin Mendia.

Hello, my name is Irina. I'm 11 years old. I live in Balmaseda. I like dancing and going out with my friends. I really like tuenti.

Hello, my name is  Iñigo.I`m 10 years old.I live in Balmaseda. I like hamburgers but I don`t like fish.I love cars.I`ve got one brother and I haven`t got any sisters.And I`ve got two cats and I`m very handsome.

Hello,my name is Adriana.I`m 11 years old.I live in Balmaseda.I like dancing.I`ve got a brother.I like pizza but I don`t like fish. I love my brother.I´m very pretty.I love English.My best friend is Leire.

Hello,my name is Ane.I´m 11years old.I live in Balmaseda.I like music.My favorite sport is swimming but I don´t like football.I love my mum and dad.I love  English. My best friend is Oihane.


Hello my name is Natalia.I am 12 years old. I live in Balmaseda.I like TV and computer.I don`t like sports.My best frends are Julia and Irina.

Hello,my name is Ana.I am 10 years old.I live in Balmaseda.My favourite animal is the snake.my favourite subject is English.I like football but I don´t like basketball.My best friend is Mireia.

 Hello, my name is María. I am 11 years old. I live in Balmaseda. My favourite  animal is horse. I very like dancing and riding horses. My best friend is  Eva.

Hello, my name is Julia. I am 11 years old. I live Balmaseda. My best friend is Natalia. I very like dancing and golf. My favourite animals are cats and horses.

Hello,my name is Eva. I am 11 years old. I live in Gijano, Burgos. My best friend is Sofia. I like dancing and being with my friends,but Idon´t like studying. My favourite animal is the dog.

Hello,my name is Irati.I am 11 years old.I live in Balmaseda.I like horse riding and swimming.My favourite food is spaguetti and pizza.My best friend is Verónica.My favourite animal is the horse.I have two dogs,two cats and birds.

Hello,my name is Desireé.I am 11 years old.I live in Balmaseda.I have one sister but I haven`t got any brothers.My favourite animal is the horse,but I haven´t got any pets.My favourite food is macarroni,pizza and ice-cream.My favourite sport is swimming and my best friend is Verónica.

Hello,my name is Goizane.I´m 11 years old and I live in Balmaseda.I study in Mendia school.I haven´t got any brothers or sisters.My favourite food is pasta.I´ve got a lot of animals and I love them.


Dinosaurs songs

Os presento a mis niños de 2º de Primaria cantando dos canciones de dinosaurios después de haberse hecho ellos mismos unas caretas muy bonitas.


The toys song

Aquí tenemos a los niños de 1º de Primaria, con su teacher Susana, cantando "The toys song". Como podéis ver son unos artistazos.


Christmas 2012

Aquí tenéis a mis niños preparando sus adornos de Navidad:

Begoña's Slidely from Begoña González Sanz on Slide.ly.

 y cantando a Papá Noel que llene su saco (para ellos):